Discografía y filomografía
Esta lista contiene información sobre grabaciones publicadas y películas relacionadas con la música y el Holocausto. Muchas de las obras musicales están disponibles en una serie de grabaciones diferentes, aunque aquí sólo se enumeran grabaciones seleccionadas.
Ackerman, R. & Jeremy, J., 1988. Swing under the Swastika: The Story of a Music That Could Kill and Save, YTV Ltd. |
Alberstein, C. & The Klezmatics, 1998. Di Krenitse [The Well], Xenophile. |
Aleksashkin, S., 2005. Shostakovitch symphony No 13, EMI Classics. |
Amram, D., 1996. Final ingredient: An Opera of the Holocaust, Premier Records. |
Art from Ashes, volume one, St.Paul, MN: Innova, 2002. |
Artists, V., 1996. Innocent Voices: The Verse of Terezin's Children, Lost Planet Records. |
Bach in Auschwitz, Winstar, 2000. |
Ballads and Broadsides: Aleksander Kulisiewicz's Songs from Sachsenhausen, 2007. |
Barenboim, D., 2002. Furtwängler: Symphony No 2 in E minor, Warner Classics. |
Bejarano, E. & Bejarano, E., 1995. Lider fars lebn - Lieder für das Leben, Hamburg: Oktave Musikverlag. |
Bejarano, Esther, 1987. 's dremlen fejgl ofj di zwajgn/ Vögel träumen auf den Zweigen. Lieder aus dem Widerstand. Hamburg: MMG. |
Beytelmann , G., Aisemberg , J.L. & Czackis , L., 2008. Tangele: The Pulse of Yiddish Tango, Tzadik. |
Bikel, T. & Enoch, F., 1996. Rise Up and Fight! Songs of the Jewish Partisans, Washington, DC: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. |
Bogdanski, M., 2000. Yiddish Songs/Yidishe Lider: Melodies Rare and Familiar, London: Jewish Music Heritage Recordings. |
Brave Old World, 1994. Beyond the Pale, Rounder Records. |
Brave Old World, 1990. Klezmer music, Flying Fish. |
Brave Old World, 2005. Song of the Lodz Ghetto, Winter & Winter. |
Brundibár: A Children’s Opera in Two Acts, New York: Arabesque, 1996. |
Budowitz, 2000. Wedding without a bride, Buda Musique. |
Busch, E., 2002. Zauberlied, EBM (Pool Music and Media). |
Charlotte Geselbracht et al., 1997. Karl Amadeus Hartmann, String Quartets 1 & 2, Cpo. |
Choral Arrangement: Alfred Hochedlinger, 1995. Memento: Gedenkkonzert 50 Jahre Befreiung KZ Mauthausen, Mauthausen: Singkreis Mauthausen. |
Choral Arrangement: The Smith Quartet, 2005. Different Trains, Signum Records UK. |
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, A Child of our Time (Oratorio in Three Parts), Naxos. |
Composers of the Holocaust, New York: Leonarda, 2000.Cooper, A. & Mlotek, Z., 2000. Ghetto Tango, New York: Traditional crossroads. |
Das Lied der Moorsoldaten 1933 bis 2000., Frankfurt a.M. and Potsdam-Babelberg: Papenburg: DIZ Emslandlager. Available at: http://www.diz-emslandlager.de/cd02.htm, 2002. |
Di Goldene Keyt, 1997. Mir zaynen do tsu zingen! [We’re here to sing!], Di Goldene Keyt. |
Die neuesten Aufhanmen aus dem Konzentrationslager Oranienburg (The Latest Shots from the Concentration Camp Oranienburg), video archive of the Sachsenhausen memorial at Oranienburg, 1933. |
Emsemble 2E2M, 1995. G. Klein: Instrumental- & Vokalwerk, Netherlands: Arion. |
Entartete Musik: eine Tondokumentation zur Düsseldorfer Ausstellung von 1938, Berlin: POOL Musikproduktion, 1988. |
Forbidden Music: Music from Theresienstadt, Nimbus Records, 2003. |
Gendler, A., 2001. My Hometown Soroke: Yiddish songs of the Ukraine., Berkeley Richmond Jewish Community Centre. |
Gerut, R., 1989. We are Here: Songs of Remembrance, Hope and Celebration in the Jewish Tradition, Blue Hills Records. |
Gojim, 1992. Ess Firt Kejn Weg Zurik. Jiddish songs from the Ghetto in Wilna 1941 - 1943. Wien: Extraplatte. |
Gojim, 1993. Ess firt kejn weg zurik.., Mi.Pl. |
Goldberg, S., 1996. Songs of Gebirtig and Warshavsky, Global Village. |
Gorby, S., 1989. Les inoubliables chants du ghetto, Arion. |
Hai und Topsy Frankl, 1981 LP/ 2005 CD. Wacht ojf! Jiddische Arbeiter- und Widerstandslieder, Ebergötzen: FolkFreak/ Wundertüte. |
Hashachar, M., 1998. Songs of the Holocaust, JASRAC. |
Hidden History: Songs of the Kovno Ghetto, Washington, DC: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1997. |
Holocaust Cantata, Albany Records, 1999.Jaldati, L. & Hoffman, M.(., 2005. Jiddische Lieder, Barbarossa (edel). |
I Have Taken an Oath To Remember: Art Songs of the Holocaust, Transcontinental Music Publications, 2002. |
An Introduction to Entartete Musik, London: Decca, 1996. |
Jaldati, Lin, 1982 LP/ 1997 CD. Jiddische Lieder, Berlin DDR: VEB Deutsche Schallplatten/ Edition BARBArossa. |
Jones, S.(., 1995. Schulhoff: Piano Works, Wergo. |
Judische Chronik: A Jewish Chronicle, Berlin Classics, 1995. |
Krakow Ghetto Notebook, Port Washington, NY: Koch, 1994. |
Kahan, B., 1997. Stimmen aus Theresienstadt, Oslo: Teater Dybbuk. |
Karalus, P. & Segeth, A., 1986. Deutschlandbilder: Aus einem Musikerleben. Coco [Schumann] der Ghetto-Swinger., WDR. |
Klezmatics, 1994. Jews with horns, Piranha. |
Klezmatics, 1997. Possessed. , Piranha. |
Klezmatics, 1992. rhythm + jews, Flying Fish. |
Klezmatics, 1988. Shvaygn=Toyt: Heimatklänge of the Lower East-Side. , Piranha. |
Klezmer Conservatory Band, 1985. A touch of Klez!, Vanguard. |
Knudsen, S. & Hawthorne String Quartet, 1993. Chamber Music from Theresienstadt 1941-1945, Channel Classics Nl. |
Krakow Ghetto Notebook, Port Washington, NY: Koch, 1994. |
Kratov, J., Zakharenko, L. & Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, 1994. Holocaust Requiem, Kaddish for Terezin, |
Krent, J., 2005. Holocaust: A Music Memorial Film from Auschwitz, BBC. Available at: http://www.dfgdocs.com/Directory/Titles/651.aspx. |
Kruman, B., 2006. Terezin Suite/Ineluctable Modalities, Extant Music. |
Kulisiewicz, A.T., 1979. Songs from the Depths of Hell, Poland: Folkways Records. |
Last Butterfly: Songs From Theresienstadt, Erasmus Records, 1995a. |
Lazar, SL., 1996. Holocaust - A Requiem for the Fate of the Jews, Bulgaria, Gega New Records. |
Life and Dreams: Czech Piano Music (The Terezin Music Memorial Project) - Pavel Haas: Suite, Op. 13 / Janacek: V Mlach (In the Mist) / Suk: Zivotem A Snez, Op. 20 / Vorisek: Impromptus, Op. 7, Koch Int'l Classics, 1995b. |
Like the Leaden Sky - The Terezin Ghetto Remembered in Works by Czech and Israeli Composers, Beth Hatefutsoth, 1999. |
Lotoro, F., 2006. KZ Musik, Roma: Musikstrasse. Francesco Lotoro, Istituto di Letteratura musicale concentrazionaria, 76121 Barletta, Italia |
Lotoro, F., 1995. Shoah, France: Arion. |
Manfred Lemm & Ensemble, 1989. Gehat hob ich a hejm, Kunstlertreff. |
Manfred Lemm & Ensemble, Der singer fun nojt, Kunstlertreff. |
Manfred Lemm & Ensemble, 1994. Majn Jowl, Wuppertal: Kunstlertreff. |
Mazura, F., Men’s voices of the City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus & City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, 1996. A Survivor of Warsaw, EMI Classics. |
Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, 1994. Senator: Holocaust Requiem-Kaddish For Terezin/Smetana: The Moldau, Delos Records. |
Music composed in concentration camps (1933–1945), Rome: Musikstrasse: KZ Musik. 24 CDs available at: http://www.kzmusik.com, 2006a.Neikrug, M., 1985. Through Roses, Zurich: Radio DRS. |
The Music Survives!: Degenerate Music, Decca, 1997. |
New Budapest Orpheum Society, 2002. Dancing on the Edge of a Volcano: Jewish Cabare Popular and Political Songs 1900-1945., Cedille Records. |
Nirenberg, M., 1986. Folksongs in the East European Jewish Tradition from the Repertoire of Mariam Nirenberg, Global Village. |
Nupen, C., 2005. We Want the Light, BBC / Opus Arte. |
O Bittre Zeit. Lagerlieder 1933 bis 1945, Papenburg: DIZ Emslandlager. Available at: http://www.diz-emslandlager.de/cd03.htm, mail(at)diz-emslandlager.de. 2006b. |
Our Town is Burning: Cries from the Holocaust, Centaur, 1995.,2002. Quatuor pour le fin du temps, (Messian), Encore. |
von Otter, A.S. et al., 2008. Terezín/Theresienstadt, Deutsche Gramophon. |
Partisans of Vilna, 1992. The Songs of World War II: Jewish Resistance, Flying Fish/Rounder Records. |
Players, H.C. & Orchestra, L.V.C., 2001. The Walls Are Quiet Now, Albany. |
Remember the Children: Songs for and by Children of the Holocaust, Washington, D.C.: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. |
Rous, D. & The New Yiddish Chorale, 1999. In Love and in Struggle: The Musical Legacy of the Jewish Labor Bund, New York: YIVO. |
Rubin, R., 1993. Yiddish Songs of the Holocaust: A Lecture/ Recital, Global Village. |
Schaechter-Widman, L., 1986. Az di furst avek [As you go away], Global Village. |
Schaver, E., From the Heart of a People, Israel: Mercury Records. |
Schaver, E., 1947. I Believe, United States: VOX. |
Settimelli, L. et al., 1945. Canti Dai lager, Music aus dem lager, Auschwitz: Citta di bolzano/stadt bozen. |
Sheridan, J. & Combs, C., 2007. Forbidden Voices: Songs by Jewish Composers Banned by the Nazis, Available at: www.divine-art.com. |
Shostakovich, D., 2000. Shostakovitch symphony No 15, Decca. |
Sirota , G., 2007. 1874-1943, Symposium. |
Sirota , G., 1993. Symposium, Israel: Israel Music. |
Slowioczek, K. & Berix, I., 1993. Composers of Theresienstadt, 1941-1945: Hans Krása, Channel Classics Nl. |
Solomon and SoCalled, 2003. Hiphopkhasene, Piranha. |
Terezin: The Music 1941-1944, London: Romantic Robot, 1991. |
The Terezin Music Anthology (9 volumes), New York: Koch International Classics. Available at: http://claudet.club.fr/Terezin/Disques/TerezinAnthology.html, 1991. |
Totentanz: Kabarett im KZ., Neckargemünd, Germany: Edition Mnemosyne, 2000. |
Ullmann, V. et al., 2005. Music from the Holocaust, Phoenix USA. |
Ullmann: Der Kaiser von Atlantis, Studio Matous, 1997. |
Ullmann, Viktor, 1994. Der Kaiser von Atlantis, London: Decca (World Première Recording). |
Various artists, 2002. The Best Yiddish Album in the World, Israel Music. |
Various, Oh bittre Zeit - Lieder im Konzentrationslager 1933 – 1945, Available at: http://www.volksliederarchiv.de/reviews-3.html. |
Vienna Philharmonic, 2002. Mauthausen Memorial 2000, BMI. |
A Voice Not Stilled : sinfonia concertante for piano and orchestra on a theme by Gabriella Kolliner, Australian Music Centre, 2000. |
Voices and Light, Albany Records, 1996. |
Waletzky, J., 1989. Partisans of Vilna, Flying Fish. |
Waxman, F. & Zeisl, E., 1999. Song of Terezin/ Requiem Ebraico, Decca. |
Weiner et al., 2002. Darkness & Light 4, Albany Records. |
Wladyslaw Szpilman, 2002. The Original Recordings of the Pianist, Sony Bmg Europe. |
Zamir Chorale of Boston, 1995. Hear Our Voices: Songs of the Ghettos and Camps, Newton, MA: HaZamir Recordings. |
Zim, P., 2000. Yiddish Songs of the Holocaust, Paul Zim Productions. |