Discografía y filomografía

Esta lista contiene información sobre grabaciones publicadas y películas relacionadas con la música y el Holocausto. Muchas de las obras musicales están disponibles en una serie de grabaciones diferentes, aunque aquí sólo se enumeran grabaciones seleccionadas.

Ackerman, R. & Jeremy, J., 1988. Swing under the Swastika: The Story of a Music That Could Kill and Save, YTV Ltd.
Alberstein, C. & The Klezmatics, 1998. Di Krenitse [The Well], Xenophile.
Aleksashkin, S., 2005. Shostakovitch symphony No 13, EMI Classics.
Amram, D., 1996. Final ingredient: An Opera of the Holocaust, Premier Records.
Art from Ashes, volume one, St.Paul, MN: Innova, 2002.
Artists, V., 1996. Innocent Voices: The Verse of Terezin's Children, Lost Planet Records.
Bach in Auschwitz, Winstar, 2000.
Ballads and Broadsides: Aleksander Kulisiewicz's Songs from Sachsenhausen, 2007.
Barenboim, D., 2002. Furtwängler: Symphony No 2 in E minor, Warner Classics.
Bejarano, E. & Bejarano, E., 1995. Lider fars lebn - Lieder für das Leben, Hamburg: Oktave Musikverlag.
Bejarano, Esther, 1987. 's dremlen fejgl ofj di zwajgn/ Vögel träumen auf den Zweigen. Lieder aus dem Widerstand. Hamburg: MMG.
Beytelmann , G., Aisemberg , J.L. & Czackis , L., 2008. Tangele: The Pulse of Yiddish Tango, Tzadik.
Bikel, T. & Enoch, F., 1996. Rise Up and Fight! Songs of the Jewish Partisans, Washington, DC: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Bogdanski, M., 2000. Yiddish Songs/Yidishe Lider: Melodies Rare and Familiar, London: Jewish Music Heritage Recordings.
Brave Old World, 1994. Beyond the Pale, Rounder Records.
Brave Old World, 1990. Klezmer music, Flying Fish.
Brave Old World, 2005. Song of the Lodz Ghetto, Winter & Winter.
Brundibár: A Children’s Opera in Two Acts, New York: Arabesque, 1996.
Budowitz, 2000. Wedding without a bride, Buda Musique.
Busch, E., 2002. Zauberlied, EBM (Pool Music and Media).
Charlotte Geselbracht et al., 1997. Karl Amadeus Hartmann, String Quartets 1 & 2, Cpo.
Choral Arrangement: Alfred Hochedlinger, 1995. Memento: Gedenkkonzert 50 Jahre Befreiung KZ Mauthausen, Mauthausen: Singkreis Mauthausen.
Choral Arrangement: The Smith Quartet, 2005. Different Trains, Signum Records UK.
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, A Child of our Time (Oratorio in Three Parts), Naxos.
Composers of the Holocaust, New York: Leonarda, 2000.Cooper, A. & Mlotek, Z., 2000. Ghetto Tango, New York: Traditional crossroads.
Das Lied der Moorsoldaten 1933 bis 2000., Frankfurt a.M. and Potsdam-Babelberg: Papenburg: DIZ Emslandlager. Available at: http://www.diz-emslandlager.de/cd02.htm, 2002.
Di Goldene Keyt, 1997. Mir zaynen do tsu zingen! [We’re here to sing!], Di Goldene Keyt.
Die neuesten Aufhanmen aus dem Konzentrationslager Oranienburg (The Latest Shots from the Concentration Camp Oranienburg), video archive of the Sachsenhausen memorial at Oranienburg, 1933.
Emsemble 2E2M, 1995. G. Klein: Instrumental- & Vokalwerk, Netherlands: Arion.
Entartete Musik: eine Tondokumentation zur Düsseldorfer Ausstellung von 1938, Berlin: POOL Musikproduktion, 1988.
Forbidden Music: Music from Theresienstadt, Nimbus Records, 2003.
Gendler, A., 2001. My Hometown Soroke: Yiddish songs of the Ukraine., Berkeley Richmond Jewish Community Centre.
Gerut, R., 1989. We are Here: Songs of Remembrance, Hope and Celebration in the Jewish Tradition, Blue Hills Records.
Gojim, 1992. Ess Firt Kejn Weg Zurik. Jiddish songs from the Ghetto in Wilna 1941 - 1943. Wien: Extraplatte.
Gojim, 1993. Ess firt kejn weg zurik.., Mi.Pl.
Goldberg, S., 1996. Songs of Gebirtig and Warshavsky, Global Village.
Gorby, S., 1989. Les inoubliables chants du ghetto, Arion.
Hai und Topsy Frankl, 1981 LP/ 2005 CD. Wacht ojf! Jiddische Arbeiter- und Widerstandslieder, Ebergötzen: FolkFreak/ Wundertüte.
Hashachar, M., 1998. Songs of the Holocaust, JASRAC.
Hidden History: Songs of the Kovno Ghetto, Washington, DC: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1997.
Holocaust Cantata, Albany Records, 1999.Jaldati, L. & Hoffman, M.(., 2005. Jiddische Lieder, Barbarossa (edel).
I Have Taken an Oath To Remember: Art Songs of the Holocaust, Transcontinental Music Publications, 2002.
An Introduction to Entartete Musik, London: Decca, 1996.
Jaldati, Lin, 1982 LP/ 1997 CD. Jiddische Lieder, Berlin DDR: VEB Deutsche Schallplatten/ Edition BARBArossa.
Jones, S.(., 1995. Schulhoff: Piano Works, Wergo.
Judische Chronik: A Jewish Chronicle, Berlin Classics, 1995.
Krakow Ghetto Notebook, Port Washington, NY: Koch, 1994.
Kahan, B., 1997. Stimmen aus Theresienstadt, Oslo: Teater Dybbuk.
Karalus, P. & Segeth, A., 1986. Deutschlandbilder: Aus einem Musikerleben. Coco [Schumann] der Ghetto-Swin­ger., WDR.
Klezmatics, 1994. Jews with horns, Piranha.
Klezmatics, 1997. Possessed. , Piranha.
Klezmatics, 1992. rhythm + jews, Flying Fish.
Klezmatics, 1988. Shvaygn=Toyt: Heimatklänge of the Lower East-Side. , Piranha.
Klezmer Conservatory Band, 1985. A touch of Klez!, Vanguard.
Knudsen, S. & Hawthorne String Quartet, 1993. Chamber Music from Theresienstadt 1941-1945, Channel Classics Nl.
Krakow Ghetto Notebook, Port Washington, NY: Koch, 1994.
Kratov, J., Zakharenko, L. & Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, 1994. Holocaust Requiem, Kaddish for Terezin,
Krent, J., 2005. Holocaust: A Music Memorial Film from Auschwitz, BBC. Available at: http://www.dfgdocs.com/Directory/Titles/651.aspx.
Kruman, B., 2006. Terezin Suite/Ineluctable Modalities, Extant Music.
Kulisiewicz, A.T., 1979. Songs from the Depths of Hell, Poland: Folkways Records.
Last Butterfly: Songs From Theresienstadt, Erasmus Records, 1995a.
Lazar, SL., 1996. Holocaust - A Requiem for the Fate of the Jews, Bulgaria, Gega New Records.
Life and Dreams: Czech Piano Music (The Terezin Music Memorial Project) - Pavel Haas: Suite, Op. 13 / Janacek: V Mlach (In the Mist) / Suk: Zivotem A Snez, Op. 20 / Vorisek: Impromptus, Op. 7, Koch Int'l Classics, 1995b.
Like the Leaden Sky - The Terezin Ghetto Remembered in Works by Czech and Israeli Composers, Beth Hatefutsoth, 1999.
Lotoro, F., 2006. KZ Musik, Roma: Musikstrasse. Francesco Lotoro, Istituto di Letteratura musicale concentrazionaria, 76121 Barletta, Italia
Lotoro, F., 1995. Shoah, France: Arion.
Manfred Lemm & Ensemble, 1989. Gehat hob ich a hejm, Kunstlertreff.
Manfred Lemm & Ensemble, Der singer fun nojt, Kunstlertreff.
Manfred Lemm & Ensemble, 1994. Majn Jowl, Wuppertal: Kunstlertreff.
Mazura, F., Men’s voices of the City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus & City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, 1996. A Survivor of Warsaw, EMI Classics.
Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, 1994. Senator: Holocaust Requiem-Kaddish For Terezin/Smetana: The Moldau, Delos Records.
Music composed in concentration camps (1933–1945), Rome: Musikstrasse: KZ Musik. 24 CDs available at: http://www.kzmusik.com, 2006a.Neikrug, M., 1985. Through Roses, Zurich: Radio DRS.
The Music Survives!: Degenerate Music, Decca, 1997.
New Budapest Orpheum Society, 2002. Dancing on the Edge of a Volcano: Jewish Cabare Popular and Political Songs 1900-1945., Cedille Records.
Nirenberg, M., 1986. Folksongs in the East European Jewish Tradition from the Repertoire of Mariam Nirenberg, Global Village.
Nupen, C., 2005. We Want the Light, BBC / Opus Arte.
O Bittre Zeit. Lagerlieder 1933 bis 1945, Papenburg: DIZ Emslandlager. Available at: http://www.diz-emslandlager.de/cd03.htm, mail(at)diz-emslandlager.de. 2006b.
Our Town is Burning: Cries from the Holocaust, Centaur, 1995.,2002. Quatuor pour le fin du temps, (Messian), Encore.
von Otter, A.S. et al., 2008. Terezín/Theresienstadt, Deutsche Gramophon.
Partisans of Vilna, 1992. The Songs of World War II: Jewish Resistance, Flying Fish/Rounder Records.
Players, H.C. & Orchestra, L.V.C., 2001. The Walls Are Quiet Now, Albany.
Remember the Children: Songs for and by Children of the Holocaust, Washington, D.C.: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Rous, D. & The New Yiddish Chorale, 1999. In Love and in Struggle: The Musical Legacy of the Jewish Labor Bund, New York: YIVO.
Rubin, R., 1993. Yiddish Songs of the Holocaust: A Lecture/ Recital, Global Village.
Schaechter-Widman, L., 1986. Az di furst avek [As you go away], Global Village.
Schaver, E., From the Heart of a People, Israel: Mercury Records.
Schaver, E., 1947. I Believe, United States: VOX.
Settimelli, L. et al., 1945. Canti Dai lager, Music aus dem lager, Auschwitz: Citta di bolzano/stadt bozen.
Sheridan, J. & Combs, C., 2007. Forbidden Voices: Songs by Jewish Composers Banned by the Nazis, Available at: www.divine-art.com.
Shostakovich, D., 2000. Shostakovitch symphony No 15, Decca.
Sirota , G., 2007. 1874-1943, Symposium.
Sirota , G., 1993. Symposium, Israel: Israel Music.
Slowioczek, K. & Berix, I., 1993. Composers of Theresienstadt, 1941-1945: Hans Krása, Channel Classics Nl.
Solomon and SoCalled, 2003. Hiphopkhasene, Piranha.
Terezin: The Music 1941-1944, London: Romantic Robot, 1991.
The Terezin Music Anthology (9 volumes), New York: Koch International Classics. Available at: http://claudet.club.fr/Terezin/Disques/TerezinAnthology.html, 1991.
Totentanz: Kabarett im KZ., Neckargemünd, Germany: Edition Mnemosyne, 2000.
Ullmann, V. et al., 2005. Music from the Holocaust, Phoenix USA.
Ullmann: Der Kaiser von Atlantis, Studio Matous, 1997.
Ullmann, Viktor, 1994. Der Kaiser von Atlantis, London: Decca (World Première Recording).
Various artists, 2002. The Best Yiddish Album in the World, Israel Music.
Various, Oh bittre Zeit - Lieder im Konzentrationslager 1933 – 1945, Available at: http://www.volksliederarchiv.de/reviews-3.html.
Vienna Philharmonic, 2002. Mauthausen Memorial 2000, BMI.
A Voice Not Stilled : sinfonia concertante for piano and orchestra on a theme by Gabriella Kolliner, Australian Music Centre, 2000.
Voices and Light, Albany Records, 1996.
Waletzky, J., 1989. Partisans of Vilna, Flying Fish.
Waxman, F. & Zeisl, E., 1999. Song of Terezin/ Requiem Ebraico, Decca.
Weiner et al., 2002. Darkness & Light 4, Albany Records.
Wladyslaw Szpilman, 2002. The Original Recordings of the Pianist, Sony Bmg Europe.
Zamir Chorale of Boston, 1995. Hear Our Voices: Songs of the Ghettos and Camps, Newton, MA: HaZamir Recordings.
Zim, P., 2000. Yiddish Songs of the Holocaust, Paul Zim Productions.