The song is sung by Miriam Harel. It was recorded by Gila Flam in Israel in 1985.
Łódź Ghetto, 1943 II
Miriam wrote the lyrics of this song to the music of a Polish folksong, 'Stokrotka rosła polna' (Flowers are blooming in the fields) in 1943. It expresses Miriam’s anger and calls for vengeance. She stands on one of the three bridges of the ghetto, important symbols of survival. Crossing the bridge once meant successfully reaching one's workplace, crossing twice was just as significant – one had returned from work. Working in the ghetto, being productive, meant surviving. Crossing the crowded bridges was not easy, however, since each was guarded by German soldiers. People were frequently kidnapped or even killed on these bridges.
Miriam stands on the bridge, looks at the Germans, wishing them dead, wishing to go on with her life that has stalled on the bridge. Anger and a call for revenge can be perceived not only in Miriam’s poems, but in much of the poetry written in the ghettos and camps during this period. As time went on, when action became impossible, Miriam's anger increased.
The original Polish folksong celebrated life's beauty, adding pathos to Miriam’s lyrics in which she mourns the loss of joy, beauty and freedom.